Afterburn Fitness Agreement Terms

Afterburn Fitness Agreement Notes

12 Month minimum obligation

$0 Initiation

$139 at signup

$139/mo billed for the next 11 payments

$59 Annual Enhancement Fee billed on May 15th

Membership renews on a month-to-month basis once minimum obligation term has been met at $139/mo

Checkout - Step 1
By checking this box, you are agreeing to provide your mobile phone number and email address to receive calls, text messages, and/or email alerts from Afterburn Fitness containing information about our products, events, or promotions. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Checkout - Step 2
Checkout - Step 3
Credit Card
Bank Account (ACH)
I have read and agree to Afterburn Fitness's terms & conditions for this membership agreement.
I have read and agree to the notes for this membership agreement.
I have read and agree to the payment processor's privacy policy and the payment terms & conditions.

Afterburn - South Bay

1133 Artesia Blvd
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Plan: Standard 12mo MICO

Due Now

$139.00      [+] Details

Recurring Payments

$139.00 Monthly      [+] Details